
Teaching the next generation to follow Jesus is central to our mission.

Part of being a family means caring for, and teaching kids. We take that responsibility seriously at Woodfields. We believe that discipleship happens first and foremost in the home. The role of the church is to come alongside parents in that process and equip them to raise their children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4). So, while we do provide age-appropriate learning settings for kids, we recognize that parents have the primary responsibility to teach their children the things of the Lord. Our goal is not to provide kids with an alternative to “big church”, but rather the help them see that they are a valued part of our family and train them to participate in the full life of the church.

Sunday School at 10

We have Sunday school classes available for children 3K-5th grade. Nursery is available for children ages 0-3. Families are invited to enjoy breakfast together in the Equip room starting at 10, then at 10:15 we dismiss kids and nursery.

Worship at 11

Since our goal is that kids would be taught in order to fully participate in the life of the church, kids of all ages are always welcome to participate in worship. However, we also recognize that not all kids are ready to sit still for 40 minutes of teaching, and that’s okay! For kids ages 0-3, nursery is available. For kids in 3K-2nd grade, we have a “Kids’ Lesson” that dismisses from the worship service, immediately before the sermon. That way, kids can worship with their parents during the first part of the service, then go to a class where they can be taught in an age-appropriate setting.

Kids in 3rd grade and up are invited to participate in the entire worship service. We have a Kids Bulletin available to help kids pay attention and engage with what they hear and experience in worship.

Getting Here

When you arrive on Sunday, enter in through the “Children’s Entrance” awning. A member of our welcome team will be there to greet you, help you get checked in, and show you where things are. They will also give you instructions on when to pick up your child, and answer any questions you may have.

If you are going to be joining us on a Sunday, click the button below and fill out the form. This will make the check-in process quicker and easier when you get here.


  • We have a wonderful team of volunteers. Each volunteer is a member in good standing with the church and has passed a background check. Furthermore, each volunteer has been trained to ensure a safe learning environment for the kids.

  • Yes! We have a room in the hallway behind the sanctuary labeled “Nursing Mothers’ Room”. The room has comfortable seating and a changing table, as well as audio feed from the Sanctuary so you can still tune into the service while you care for your baby.

  • Absolutely! We always encourage kids to participate in worship and know that they are a valued part of our family. Children of any age are welcome to attend worship with parents.